
Adult Massage Services

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Latest adult massage listings

Adult Massage services are available in your area. We are here to help you find popular adult massage services and to uncover some hidden gems. An adult massage service is typically an erotic encounter. There are two kinds of service you might be interested in acquiring. First, we have an adult massage that takes place in a dedicated massage parlour. Next, you can employ the services of an independent masseuse. Both deliver a unique service experience. Time spent with a good massuese is always un-rushed, relaxed and easy going. Nonetheless, exciting and full of adventure.

Adult massage parlours

Adult Massage Parlours can be found throughout the country. A Massage Parlour is likely to offer you a service near on 24 hours a day. It will also offer you a selection of one or two masseuse. Many of the top massage parlours have gorgeously equipped rooms and refreshments on offer. Think of this as more of a spa experience.

Independent adult masseuse

Hundreds of independent Masseuse are listed. Each delivering a unique service. Some Masseuses offer escort services. Consequently, you are guaranteed a happy ending to your experience. Avoid any embarrassment by ensuring the services you are looking for are offered by the lady you choose. An adult massage is an essential experience for men. Join a local masseuse on a journey of rediscovery, fantasy fulfilment and intimacy. Attractive girls invite you to awake the sensuality and eroticism that lies within you; to experience new heights and pleasure. Discover a world of gorgeous, intelligent, open-minded, educated, well-mannered and always elegant ladies. These girls are sexy and always well attired for meetings.

What makes a great adult massage therapist?

A great adult massage therapist is defined by more than looks. She is an embodiment of personality and an approach to the work at hand. A personal massage therapist will help you experience a deep sense of relaxation, while creating a space for touch and healing. For a great therapise this can be their her life passion.

Massage therapists offer full body relaxing massage experiences that can include Swedish, deep tissue massage, and Nuru. A massage can heal you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

A great adult massage therapist should have a friendly nature, one that makes it easy for you to click. Couple this with a flirtatious and playful attitude and you are on to a winner.

The more passionate your masseuse, the better. Some people are naturally blessed with passion and this comes through with their work. Some say that an extremely high sex drive and a fun personality are essentials. Besides stunning looks, a gentle, caring, very sensual, seductive, and naughty approach to adult massage delivers a great experience. A good adult massage is one that is not rushed.

What to expect from adult massage?

Discretion is important. A Client will expect warm and affectionate entertainment. Clients may require some element of fantasy role play. These should be tailored to meet the Clients requirements. Every moment should always be based on quality time and mutual pleasure. Enjoy the art of seduction, teasing and always be eager to please and be pleased. Time spent with a good masseuse is always un-rushed, relaxed, and easy going. Nonetheless, exciting, and full of adventure.

Good massage parlours will have a great reputation. This is usually maintained through their professional standards of customer service, hygiene and service delivery. They are run effectively and the high standards of the ladies that work there shine through. Look for massage parlours where ladies are willing and able to welcome first timers and put more experienced clients at ease. A good parlour is clean and comfortable with a relaxing atmosphere.

Finding great massage parlours

UK Massage Parlours directory - we only accept listings from the absolute best and most respected UK massage parlours in your area. All the massage parlours listed here charge for their time only and anything that occurs of a sexual nature is a matter of coincidence between two consenting adults. Alternatively, you can use our advanced or short search options from the left menu or browse through a complete list of UK locations to identify a great Massage Parlour.

On entering a massage parlour you are likely to be greeted by a Receptionist who will take an entrance fee, or house fee, from you. This is normally only a small amount, but you should check to see what this will be before arriving at the establishment, you really do not want to arrive without the correct money. On that subject, we recommend you carry only the correct money for your time in the parlour. Although, most massage parlours are safe to visit, theft is commonplace in any environment. Good luck and happy shopping!

Ace massage at UK adult massage parlours

With hundreds of Massage Parlours and Saunas around the country, you really do have a choice of massage parlour in the UK. However, a word of caution, standards can vary enormously, even within one city.  We would recommend you visit a parlour with an established reputation or at least one that has a website where you can peek at what to expect when you arrive. Always browse the selection of ladies and don't be surprised if the lady you want to see is not available if you turn up at the door without first calling to make sure she is working and available. Some parlours will allow you to call and make a booking with a lady, at least to set aside a time for your arrival. Although, a pre-booked lady may only be available if you have already visited the establishment, but it is always worth asking. 

Massage Fun


Discover the joys of prostate massage

Okay, prepare yourself for some news. Some say regular prostate massage can help in the prevention of prostate cancer. That is one good reason this is something you should try out at least once in your life; you may find you enjoy it more than you think! Now, we are not saying that every Masseur out there who will be willing to give you a prostate massage but there are plenty who will do this for you if you ask. Bring it into role play situation and it could be extremely exciting.

Getting down to basics though, how does it work? Well, once you have a willing Masseur then she will insert a finger gently (might be worth using some lube here!) into your ass but not too far. It must enter about 3-4cms. She will then move her fingers towards the front of your body, and she will feel the prostate gland. The gland is just about the size of a walnut and she will need to run her fingers over this to administer the massage.

How will you feel? Well, you will be stimulated that is for sure. You may feel like you need a wee, but you will not actually need one (make sure you go before she does this). You will maybe cum too!

A great experience and certainly one to explore on your next visit to an accommodating masseuse in one of the massage parlours profiled here on the UK Adult Zone.

Popular Massage Parlours by City

766 - 810 of 767 listings
Diana Valli


Hi there! My name is Diana Valli and I am a masseuse from London. I am also the proud owner of D.Touch, a Tantric Massage Boutique located in the heart of the city.Ever since I was a young girl, I have had a fascination with the healing power of touch. This fascination led me down the path...


Hi, my name is Diana Valli

Hi there! My name is Diana Valli and I am a masseuse from London. I am also the proud owner of D.Touch, a Tantric Massage Boutique located in the heart of the city.Ever since I was a young girl, I have had a fascination with the healing power of touch. This fascination led me down the path...

Love and kisses Diana Valli

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Soho Asian Massage


Soho Asian Massage located in the heart of London features a wide range of exciting services as well as our happy ending and full service offerings. Choose from the hottest of Chinese, Japanese and South Korean masseuses all ready to give you a truly wonderful experience that you will keep coming back for time and time again. We offer a full inc...


Hi, my name is Soho Asian Massage

Soho Asian Massage located in the heart of London features a wide range of exciting services as well as our happy ending and full service offerings. Choose from the hottest of Chinese, Japanese and South Korean masseuses all ready to give you a truly wonderful experience that you will keep coming back for time and time again. We offer a full inc...

Love and kisses Soho Asian Massage

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Hi come and get relaxed with mein a beautiful clean apartment I want to invited you for one of my sessionsGet out of stress Deep tisuee massage Nuru massage gelTantric massageGot qualification in 2 diferent countriesI am just 25 yearsPritty and educatedCome book a appoiment today...


Hi, my name is Amira

Hi come and get relaxed with mein a beautiful clean apartment I want to invited you for one of my sessionsGet out of stress Deep tisuee massage Nuru massage gelTantric massageGot qualification in 2 diferent countriesI am just 25 yearsPritty and educatedCome book a appoiment today...

Love and kisses Amira

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Looking to help and make you feel relaxed and refreshed. Women only...

Brighton and Hove

Hi, my name is James

Looking to help and make you feel relaxed and refreshed. Women only...

Love and kisses James

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Age: 18-20


Hello  Back from holiday and refreshed ready to give you a sensual relaxing massage, you will leave as refreshed and relaxed as I am now, I promis!  Why not treat yourself to relaxng an refreshing Thai Massage. I am a professional Thai Masseuse and will ensure you get best treatmet for your body and soul.  Both Men and women can...


Hi, my name is Danni

Hello  Back from holiday and refreshed ready to give you a sensual relaxing massage, you will leave as refreshed and relaxed as I am now, I promis!  Why not treat yourself to relaxng an refreshing Thai Massage. I am a professional Thai Masseuse and will ensure you get best treatmet for your body and soul.  Both Men and women can...

Love and kisses Danni

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